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Betrayal by Jonathan Karl [DownloadBook]

Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show by Jonathan Karl

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This explosive look at the aftermath of the election—and the events that followed Donald Trump's departure from the White House—continues where the New York Times bestselling Front Row at the Trump Show left off —from ABC News' chief Washington correspondent.

Jonathan Karl is in a unique position to tell the narrative of the dramatic final chapter of the Trump show. In the New York Times bestseller, "Front Row at the Trump Show," Karl detailed the story of Trump's rise as the reporter who has known him longer than any other White House correspondent. Now he reveals the narrative of Trump's demise, including dramatic behind-the-scenes descriptions of some of the darkest days in American presidential history, as well as exclusive reporting and on-the-record interviews with key players in the drama who are speaking their stories for the first time.

This is the definitive account of what happened during the closing weeks and months of Trump's presidency, as well as what it implies for the Republican Party's future, written by a writer who was there for it all. Donald Trump has mocked, lauded, and condemned Jonathan Karl, and now he finds himself in a unique position to convey the truth.

Book details: Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show

  • Author : Jonathan Karl
  • Language : English
  • ISBN : 059318632X
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593186329
  • Number of pages : 384 pages
  • Publisher : Dutton
  • Date of Publication : November 16, 2021

About the authors: Jonathan Karl

Jonathan Karl
Jonathan Karl is the head of the White House Correspondents' Association and the top White House correspondent and chief Washington correspondent for ABC News (2019-2020).

He has covered every major beat in Washington, including Capitol Hill, the Pentagon, and the State Department, while reporting from the White House during the administrations of four presidents and thirteen press secretaries. Karl has also covered Donald Trump extensively, beginning in the early 1990s when he was a reporter for The New York Post and culminating with Trump's first network interview of the 2016 presidential campaign cycle.

Karl has received multiple honors, including the Walter Cronkite Award for National Individual Achievement and the Everett McKinley Dirksen Award for Congressional Reporting from the National Press Foundation.

Reviews: Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show

Jonathan Karl's new book, Betrayal, which was released on Tuesday, chronicles the historic presidential election, unprecedented claims of fraud, the January insurgency at the United States Capitol, and the stirrings of the novel COVID-19 virus that marked the final days of former President Donald Trump's presidency." Karl is ABC News' chief Washington correspondent and the author of the New York Times bestseller "Front Row at the Trump Show," which was released in 2020. Throughout Trump's presidency, the experienced journalist has had a front-row seat. Betrayal contains some interesting accounts. "—USA Today

"As a long-time TV reporter, ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl brings an intensely appropriate eye for life as it is depicted on the screen to the Trump tale." That alone might be enough to justify adding Karl to our Trump reading list, but he also contributes significantly to the chronicle of this dreadful period—particularly in the pandemonium of its closing months. Karl demonstrates no hesitancy or equivocation on content, particularly on the most crucial matter in Betrayal. Karl sees Trump as a threat to the orderly process of American politics and the constitutional separation of powers that goes much beyond what previous presidents have posed (or would-be presidents)... Even for those who have read more Trump novels than they can count on their fingers, there is enough fresh or renewed material in Karl's recounting that it can all be intriguing to read again ("We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...").NPR

ABC's Washington correspondent gives a second engrossing and terrifying account of how close America came to calamity.The Guardian

"Betrayal by Jonathan Karl reveals new details regarding Trump's assault on democracy."LA Times

In this follow-up to Front Row at the Trump Show, the ABC News political correspondent provides updated information on Trump's final months in office.Kirkus (starred review)

"Betrayal," the latest end-of-Trump-era tome by ABC's Jonathan Karl, is one of the books that will define November. Betrayal persuasively argues that the interval between Election Day and Inauguration Day was considerably more dangerous than we realized at the time. Karl isn't a left-wing commentator or a bombastic writer. He is one of Washington's most well-known correspondents. He, like many others, believes that America is on the verge of a constitutional catastrophe. And we may be back there again soon.Brian Stelter, CNN's Reliable Sources newsletter]

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